An Introduction to
Substance Use Disorder

Most people understand that the only way to truly recover from an addiction is by getting professional treatment, but getting the proper type of help can be difficult. Each addiction and circumstance is unique and requires the right kind of treatment.
Thankfully, there are a wide array of treatment options if you know where to look, and finding a qualified professional treatment program can make the difference between getting clean and sober and struggling with addiction and relapse over and over again. If you’re looking for a treatment center in Los Angeles for yourself or a loved one, then you should consider coming to California Wellness. Not only are we a fully licensed treatment center with knowledgeable and caring staff, but we have a wide range of treatment options for just about any addiction you can imagine.
We know that realizing you have a problem, but there’s no better time than now to get help with an addiction. Contact California Wellness today and get the help you need.
High-Quality Addiction Treatment
in Orange County, California
“For anyone that has ever had a loved one with an addiction, you likely understand the struggle that both the person and their family go through while dealing with the effects of the addiction.“
What Are the Available Treatment Programs in
Mission Viejo?

“There are a number of different programs available for rehab in Mission Viejo. When you come to our alcohol and drug treatment center in Orange County, you’ll find that we have options that are tailored to the individual and not just cookie-cutter solutions that we prescribe to everyone. “
Our Programs

Each program starts with an assessment to see your addiction’s state and overall physical health. This will help us determine what type of program will be the most effective for your addiction and your health situation. The client’s overall health significantly affects how the addiction treatment process will go.
The reason for this is that each addiction treatment program must begin with the detox process. Detox allows a person’s substance to leave their body gradually over time. However, along with detox comes withdrawal symptoms. Depending on the type of substance a person was using, for how long, and their underlying health conditions, it can be difficult for them to detox safely without help.
Mission Viejo

Different options are available to help with the detox process for clients with medical issues. The goal of detox is to prepare clients for treatment and to keep them as healthy as possible because only by removing the substance from their system can the treatment process truly begin.
Once detox is complete, the treatment phase begins. There are two primary types of treatment: outpatient treatment and inpatient treatment.
Outpatient treatment is a type of program that lets a person come to a treatment facility, receive treatment and then leave and go about their daily life. This type of treatment is suitable for those that have responded well to treatment, don’t have a long history of addiction or repeated relapse, and have life responsibilities such as work, school, or children.
Drug & Alcohol Detoxification
The first step in treating addiction, where physicians specialized in Addiction Medicine help detoxify your body from the harmful effects of substance abuse.
Residential Inpatient
Live-in healthcare facility that provides 24-hour treatment and support from licensed clinical staff in a comfortable, enjoyable and compassionate environment.
Dual-Diagnosis Program
Integrated approach to substance abuse and mental health interventions for individuals with co-occurring disorders.
Most Major Insurance Can Cover
Up to 100% of Treatment Costs

What to Look for in a
Mission Viejo Drug & Alcohol Rehab?

When you look at addiction treatment centers in Orange County, there are a few things that you should make sure the rehab center you choose has before you begin treatment.
Whether you’re choosing to go to an inpatient treatment facility or an outpatient one, you’ll want a facility that feels relaxing and comfortable when you walk in. Part of the reason that people relapse is due to stress and other factors from day-to-day life. Being in a calm and relaxing environment while in treatment lets you focus on your recovery.
Next you’ll want to make sure that the treatment center you pick has a variety of programs available so that no matter what form your addiction takes, you’ll be able to get the help you need. Some facilities use cookie-cutter treatments and expect them to work for everyone. This is not the case; you should never feel treated like just another number.
Preparing for Treatment at
California Wellness Center
You want to ensure that the addiction center you enter has medical support and other services. Addiction can be dangerous, especially when trying to recover, so ensuring your health is looked after is an important part of the process. Lastly, addiction doesn’t stop once treatment has ended. Support and aftercare services can make the difference between a long-term recovery and simply relapsing once treatment ends.
Get Help at California Wellness Center’s
Treatment Center in Orange County

California Wellness is committed to the addiction treatment of all individuals who suffer from addiction. If you or a loved one are looking for an addiction treatment center in Orange County, then visit California Wellness today.
We help anyone who contacts us seeking treatment in finding the program that best fits YOUR individual needs – whether that’s one of our programs or not.
We believe that recovery is always possible. Contact our caring admissions team day or night to learn more about how you can get the help you need, no matter what your situation is.